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Hi all, And I hope we are all keeping healthy. Please make use of this document (print out and add to the
safety notice board) as part of our communication to workforces and others that may be affected by our
business activities. Please note PRR Safety change of business address in the footer below.


As things develop and many start to return to work please make the most of your Health & Safety Support
and let us advise you and your employees to ensure a smooth and safe start to your return. Contract clients
will find a Covid risk assessment on their sharepoint drives.
As one of your main controls at present we would advise temperature checks for all employees and others
entering business premises every day with a simple record kept; this should be used alongside social distance where practical along with following hygiene guidance; the advice to remain at home if showing
symptoms and practice isolation guidelines Acquire a Covid—
19 test to allow return to work if the test is negative.

L.O.L.E.R Inspections.

Ensure all equipment is inspected as per the regulations; as previously reported The H.S.E will enforce and
prosecute where equipment has not been inspected due to Coronavirus.

P.P.E Supplies. for P.P.E supply if you are having difficulty in sourcing PPE during the pandemic.

H.S.E Guidance on Driver access to welfare facilities

All drivers must have access to welfare facilities in the premises they visit as part of their work.
We are hearing reports that some drivers are not being allowed to use welfare facilities when they deliver.
Preventing access is against the law, equally it’s not the sensible thing to do. Those who already provide
reasonable access to toilets and handwashing facilities should continue to do so.
With the latest advice for hands to be washed regularly, failure to allow access to welfare facilities may increase the risk of the COVID-19 infection spreading.